Contribute to Our Work
God loves a cheerful giver. - 2 Corinthians 9:7
We welcome you to share in our service for God's Kingdom through your financial support of Manifest International, LLC. We operate entirely by faith and are completely dependent on God moving in the hearts of generous people like you to contribute to our work.
We encourage you to pray, ask the Lord what He would have you financially contribute to our work, and do what He says. We are so thankful for those who commit to an ongoing partnership with us in our work for God's Kingdom. Together, We live to Manifest our King!
Tunashukuru sana kwa ukarimu wa watu wengi ambao wanataka kuchangia kile ambacho Mungu anafanya. Tunahitaji kwamba michango yote itolewe moja kwa moja kwa Manifest International, LLC pamoja na michango ya vifaa, ili kuhakikisha kuwa zinatumika kwa kuzingatia vipaumbele vyetu, mahitaji, na hekima ambayo Mungu anatupatia katika nyakati hizi. Ikiwa unataka kuteua mchango kwa mradi fulani, tutatafuta kuheshimu nia yako iwezekanavyo.
Scroll down for more easy ways to give.
Apps for Easy
Deposits, Wires & Checks by Mail
Make Check Payable to: Manifest International, LLC
Mail Check to: P.O. Box 11304, Charlotte, NC 28220
Checks by Mail
Venmo : @ManifestIntl
Mail to: P.O. Box 11304, Charlotte, NC 28220
Questions? Contact:
More Ways to Share in Our Work
We are so thankful for God guiding and providing for us all these years. Our strategy is to continue seeking first His Kingdom and righteousness for His glory! You can participate with us and share in our work in these practical ways:
Invite Us to Speak
Invite us to speak to your church, group, or conference. We equipped to minister in many different styles, to various types of groups, and on various subjects that all point to Jesus.
Preaching the Word of God (free flow preaching by the Holy Spirit)
Bible Teaching (on specific topics, as led by the Lord)
Living by Faith (living daily by the indwelling Holy Spirit)
First to the Jew (God's plan for the Jewish people)
Recovering Type A (events, retreats, etc.)
Evangelism meetings (to the unsaved)
Inquire about your group or conference's specific needs or focus topic
Njia yetu ya Fedha
Tunaishi kwa imani na tunategemea kabisa utoaji wa Mungu kwa kila kitu tunachofanya. Kipaumbele chetu ni Ufalme wa Mungu na kutii sauti yake. Tunakualika ushirikiane nasi tunapoeneza Injili ya Yesu Kristo na kujenga Kanisa kwa utukufu wa Mungu.
Manifest International, LLC sio faida na kwa hivyo, michango yako haipunguzwi ushuru. Tunaamini Bwana ametuongoza kwa njia hii ili kutupa uhuru ulioimarishwa wa kutii mwongozo wake. Hii inatuwezesha kupanua, kuhama, na kukua wakati tunadumisha uhuru wetu wa kusema na haki za biashara ya kibinafsi. Hii pia inatupa haki ya kugawanya na kusimamia fedha zetu hata hivyo anatuongoza. Tunafurahi kumlipa Kaisari kilicho cha Kaisari na tunaona kuwa ni gharama ndogo kwa fursa ya kukaa mwaminifu kwa Mungu. Vivyo hivyo, tuna hakika kwamba Mungu atakubariki kwa kutubariki zaidi ya faida ya punguzo la hisani. (1)
Njia yetu ya fedha ni rahisi. Ikiwa umepokea huduma kutoka kwetu au unaamini kile tunachofanya na Mungu anasonga moyoni mwako kuchangia huduma tunazotoa basi, toa kama Mungu anavyokuongoza. Tunaamini kuwa sadaka za hiari za hiari kulingana na Mungu zikichochea mioyo ya watu ni Agano Jipya na njia ya Kibiblia ya kujenga nyumba ya Mungu. (2) Hatutoi ombi la pesa kupitia njia yoyote ya kuomba msaada. Badala yake, tunaamini maneno ya Yesu kupokea na kutoa bure. Hatuna mpango B. Mungu ni mwaminifu.
Tunaishi kudhihirisha Mfalme wetu!
(1) ona Wafilipi 4:19; 3Yohana 1: 8; (2) ona Matendo 4:32; Kutoka 35; 1Nyakati 29
Become a monthly Contributor
Monthly contributions help to ensure that our work continues to reach more people in more places with the truth of the Gospel.
We are so thankful for those who commit to an ongoing partnership with us in our work for God's Kingdom. Any amount given on a regular basis, large or small, truly makes a difference.
Questions? Contact:
Contributions are non-refundable. Scroll down for more easy ways to give.